Kaya’s foot photos

I plugged the iPod into the computer this morning and found 420 photos that Kaya had taken. Now, these 420 photos were of about 9 different things — Kaya is definitely what you would call a trigger-happy photographer. What I thought was kind of funny was that most of the photos were of his feet. It’s a bit of a non-sequitur, but here are some of Kaya’s foot portraits.

There is a series of foot-in-car shots:

black foot sneaker sock

A foot at home:

foot at home

And two foot with family shots:

foot on table

foot and head

None of us were aware that he’d taken any of these masterpieces.

13 thoughts on “Kaya’s foot photos

  1. ha ha Siobhan! I too have taken plenty of photographs of my feet – those lightweight digital cameras that we bandy about effortlessly and inadvertently trigger willy-nilly can make for great found art. Wait till he turns on the video and records your candid lives!

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